Out of the Attic and on to the Wall

Out of the Attic and on to the Wall

There are so many items you can find at thrift stores and estate sales that you might not even think about adding to your home décor. One recent favorite is finding old, vintage photos of the dearly departed. You know the photos of these unsmiling folks- the ladies are wearing their floor length dresses and bonnets, and the men have suits, hats, and crazy moustaches. I am glad these photographs and photo albums of long deceased people do not get thrown out and forgotten. They not only make for a unique display, but also interesting conversation pieces.  As we are out and about we are always keeping our eyes open for these old photos.  Here is an example of a gallery wall that was  recently purchased:

The photos were all found at an estate sale.  These can be paired with antique furniture pieces and picture frames for a fabulous conversation piece in your home.  We definitely stood around oohing and ahhing!
Maybe you might find someone's vacation photo album started in 1913, like this local find:

Even though we don't know Ronald, Norman, and Gordon it is kind of fun to see what a vacation looked like 100 years ago!

Instead of keeping the photos of your great-great grandparents packed away in a box in the attic, take them out and put them in some cool frames with a vintage vibe. Find a photo album at an estate sale or thrift shop
for a coffee table display. You might even find how your great-great-great Uncle's spent his "weekly time" when you find his cigar band collection from 190something (spolier- he had over 342 different bands)! 

These vintage item are something we are continually looking for, so keep checking back for what we find for gallery walls, prints, and collectibles.