Elements has a fabulous team of women that create our fabric covered books at home. They come in once a week to drop off the books they have finished. I’m not always here when they are, so I was excited to take a few minutes and get to know Meg a little better.
Jill: Let’s get to the basics- are you married?
Meg: Yes, I have been married for 9 years this fall. We have three boys that are 5, 3, and 1.
Jill: Do you have any pets?
Meg: No pets. We aren’t really pet people. Plus, I have enough trying to keep the boys alive! I don’t need any extras!
Jill: How did you start working at Elements and when did you start?
Meg: I think it was about 3.5 years ago. I was working with Amber at her previous job. She knew I wanted to stay home with the kids, so she poached me when she was starting out in her basement and garage. I started out with 50 books a week while I was still working at the other place for about 6 months, and then I started just doing this.
Jill: How did you become the queen of half and half books?
Meg: Probably about 2 years ago Amber said would anyone be interested in learning different fabrics, so I said, “Sure I’ll try it!” and then I loved it. After I did that for awhile, I asked if I could just do the special ones. It is more interesting to me, a little more complicated. I like the details and variety.
JILL’S SIDE NOTE: Pretty much every product we sell at Elements is my favorite, and the books Meg does are high on the list! Along with our regular stock of fabric covered books, Meg also makes what we call half and half books- one of a kind book sets that have two different fabrics covering them matched up by the talented Melissa. They are super cool, and each set is unique. Here are just a few examples of Meg’s handy work:
Jill: How do you manage working from home with little kids?
Meg: I do most of it during their nap time in the afternoon, and then one day a week I will do it at night after the kids are in bed. For the summer I have hired two middle school girls to come watch my kids on Wednesday mornings, so I am planning on being downstairs working all day Wednesday. I am hoping to get a good chunk done on Wednesdays.
Jill: What is your favorite part of working here?
Meg: The flexibility and being able to work from home. I can drop off whenever. I try to stick to dropping off on Mondays, and I can drop off anytime during the day and it is really handy. It is nice to know if something comes up it is flexible.
Jill: What do you like to do in your free time?
Meg: We like to do things outside with our kids. My husband’s parents have a house on a lake so we like to go there a lot and just hang out on the beach and fish. We like to go for bike rides too.
Jill: When you are covering books what do you like to do- watch TV, listen to music, listen to podcasts?
Meg: I like to listen to podcasts. I really like political and parenting podcasts. If I don’t have a good podcast to listen to I will put a show on that I don’t really care if I pay attention to every detail. It’s not my favorite show because I want to pay attention to those.
Jill: I have some random get-to-know-you questions:
- Your favorite snack: Popcorn
- Your dream vacation: Really anywhere tropical. I really want to go to Mexico for our 10 year anniversary, or the Dominican or somewhere like that. I’m not picky as long as it is tropical.
- What is the last concert you went to: Jesse McCartney. It was the best night of my life and the most fun thing I have ever done. It was a dream come true since he was my teenage crush! Going back to see him when you are 30 is just amazing! (This led to a long discussion about our shared love of boy bands!)
- How would you spend a million dollars: Probably buy a bigger house because we are very quickly outgrowing our house. I would also buy a boat. Then I would invest the rest. I just really want a boat!
- Are you sporty: I played soccer my whole life. I don’t really like to watch sports on TV. We might start the boys in soccer next year.
It was very fun getting to know Meg and finding out quite a few shared interests! We are so happy having Meg as part of the team!